What is Protein?
Protein is a vital nutrient that our bodies need to grow, recover and strengthen in order to healthily carry out all normal functions. Protein is one of the three macro-nutrients used by our bodies to produce energy. The three important macro-nutrients are Proteins, Fats and carbohydrates. When our diet is balanced properly, protein is used by the body to grow muscle, repair body tissue, build body strength and immunity, and provide energy.
There are an abundance of foods that are rich in protein and can provide our bodies the correct amount through a well-balanced diet. However, you may by unaware of the necessity of protein or what foods to find it in. Ensuring you’re able to balance protein in your diet is vital in maintaining strength as well as muscle development and energy.
What are Protein Supplements?
Thanks to ongoing scientific study and the fitness industry’s progression, protein is available in powdered form that enables athletes and fitness enthusiasts to train, repair and strengthen their bodies to the highest degree. Unlike other vital supplements like vitamins, protein supplements usually come in a powder form which you can mix with water (or sometimes light milk) to create a milkshake-like drink which you can enjoy and benefit from. Also available in candy bar form or as meal replacements, through years of development, protein powder and protein bars are now available in a range of delicious flavours so you can enjoy the taste while getting the additional protein your body needs.
There is a huge range of protein supplements available to buy, ranging from meal replacements to protein shakes. The different types of protein supplements available all play a role in helping your body recover and importantly, grow lean muscle.
Whey protein is one of two the major milk proteins (the other being casein). Whey is separated from milk, and advances in processing technology (such as ultra-filtration, micro-filtration, ion-exchange and reverse osmosis) have resulted in development of several different finished whey products.
Whey protein concentrates, reduced lactose whey, whey protein isolates and hydrolyzed whey products are now available on the dietary supplement market. Each whey product varies in the amount of protein, carbohydrate (lactose), fat, minerals and specific bioactive proteins like alpha-Lactoglobulin, beta-Lactoglobulin, immunoglobulins, glycomacropeptide, bovine serum albumin, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase.
What are the benefits of Whey Protein powder?
Whey protein powder is a rich source of highly bio-available essential amino acids (especially leucine). In fact, whey protein has been singled out as the ultimate source of protein on the basis of its excellent amino acid profile, superior biological value (BV) and digestibility. The elevated level of Amino Acids (building blocks) found in whey have been shown to increase mTOR. mTOR is a well-known pathway that switches on MPS (Muscle Protein Synthesis). Considering mTOR importance in building muscle, its activation by various types of protein and amino acids has been studied in depth. Interestingly, whey protein has consistently activated mTOR better than soy and casein protein. Coincidentally whey protein is very rich in Leucine and research has demonstrated that whey protein helps build more muscle than the same amount of protein in the form of constituent essential amino acids.
An overview of all the benefits of whey protein compared to other proteins like casein, egg and soy is a separate discussion.
Why is the consumption of Whey Protein potentially better?
When whey protein is digested in your gut by enzymes, the complete protein is converted to individual amino acids and small di (two) and tri (three) peptides. In your body many of the hormones, enzymes and growth factors are made of these small peptides. So perhaps the peptides from these whey proteins can work like hormones. Research suggests this may be the case.
In addition, whey protein has several other interesting effects that are especially relevant for athletes and physically active people alike.
Whey protein has been shown to increase glycogen stores in muscles and the liver, when compared to a casein-based diet containing an identical amount of carbohydrate. In other words whey helps shuttle carbs into your muscles better than casein. Whey protein is also a rich source of the sulphur containing amino acid cysteine. This is noteworthy because cysteine is the crucial limiting amino acid for glutathione synthesis in the body, and dietary cysteine is considered to be a rate limiting substrate for the synthesis of glutathione. Glutathione is a potent antioxidant and is also necessary for lymphocyte proliferation and immune function. Without getting too much into details, there are also indications that increased levels of glutathione (by changing the so called redox state) can alter gene expression in a way that promotes muscle growth. It has actually been shown that consumption of whey protein concentrate results in higher levels of glutathione in tissues and that the immuno-enhancing effect of whey protein to a large extent can be ascribed to its ability to increase glutathione levels.
A very interesting study compared supplementation of 20gm whey protein concentrate (WPC) per day with supplementation of 20gm casein per day, for three months. The results showed that supplementation with the WPC significantly increased lymphocyte glutathione levels over 35%, and also improved peak power and 30 second maximal work capacity. There were no changes observed in the casein group. In addition, the subjects who had supplemented with the WPC (but not casein) experienced a decreased percentage body fat while maintaining their body weight!
What are the different types of Whey Protein?
Whey Protein Concentrate versus Whey Protein Isolate
Whey protein isolate has the highest protein concentration (90-95%) and contains very little (if any) fat, lactose and minerals. Whey protein concentrate has a protein concentration ranging from 55-85%. Most whey protein concentrate products have a protein concentration of 80% and contain some lactose, fat and minerals. Another major difference between whey protein isolates and whey protein concentrates, is that whey protein isolates are lactose free and gluten free, yet are more expensive.
Ion-Exchange Whey Protein Isolate
Ion exchange is a processing technology that is used to concentrate the protein content in the powder. Protein powders with the very highest protein contents per gram are ion exchanged isolates. However, this type of processing has serious drawbacks in that it literally wipes out all the valuable and health promoting sub-fraction peptides like alpha lactalbumin, glycomacropeptides, immunoglobulins, and lactoferrin, which are naturally found in whey. Instead it contains a high amount of beta-lactoglobulin which can cause allergies.
Micro-filtered Whey Protein Isolate
There are several different types of micro-filtration technologies. They are all used with the purpose to enrich (or concentrate) various sub-fractions from the whey.
The popular micro-filtration technologies are Cross Flow Micro filtration (CFM) ultra filtration (UF), reverse osmosis (RO), dynamic membrane filtration (DMF), ion exchange chromatography, (IEC), electro-ultra-filtration (EU), radial flow chromatography (RFC) and nano filtration (NF).
The micro filtration techniques allows for the production of powders of high quality (undenatured) protein with very high protein contents. Micro filtered when proteins retain important sub-fractions, and are low in fat and lactose, so they are definitely worth their higher price.
Hydrolysed Protein
Then there is also hydrolyzed whey protein (also called hydrolyzed whey peptides as discussed briefly above). When a protein is hydrolyzed is means that it, by a technological processes, has been split to smaller chains of amino acids, called peptides. The hydrolytic process mimics our own digestive actions; thus it can be said that hydrolyzed protein is a pre-digested protein. Hydrolyzed proteins contain mostly di-peptides and tri-peptides, and are absorbed more rapidly than free-form amino acids and much more rapidly than intact (non-hydrolyzed) proteins.
Consumption of whey protein hydrolysate in post drinks is preferred because it results in a faster increase in blood amino acid concentrations and a higher insulin response during a 2-3 hr period than does standard protein. The simultaneous increase in blood amino acids and insulin levels in turn significantly promotes muscle protein synthesis and inhibits muscle protein breakdown.
It is especially interesting that consumption of protein hydrolysate solutions (that also contain 15gm glucose) result in peak blood insulin concentrations that are two and four times higher than after the ingestion of milk or glucose solutions (15 g glucose in water), respectively. This despite the fact the milk dose in the study contained nearly three times more carbohydrate.
Thus, when you consume protein hydrolysates in and post-exercise drinks you can create a powerful response in blood amino acids and insulin levels without having to ingest large amounts of carbohydrates and unnecessary calories. Another practical advantage is that you can ingest a supplement containing protein hydrolysate immediately after exercise without becoming bloated and not excessively suppressing appetite, so one can eat another meal sooner, possibly optimizing the post-exercise "anabolic window".
Whey Protein Hydrolysate - Beyond Just Protein
Studies have shown that whey peptides may have properties that go beyond its total amino acid content. It has been suggested that the leucine content of a meal is proportional to the rise in muscle protein synthesis after the meal. However, a recent study looked to prove if the smaller peptides from WPH may have a bigger role than leucine in stimulating MPS (Muscle Protein Synthesis).
In this study the scientists looked to compare whey based protein in the form of constituent amino acids and WPH on the stimulation of MPS. The recovery of MPS was stimulated using the two forms of whey protein plus carbohydrates. The group fed WPH demonstrated significantly higher levels of MPS rates and mTOR activation compared to the amino acid group or carbohydrate control. The scientists suggested that it is possible that certain bioactive peptides contained in WPH are superior to amino acids for stimulating muscle protein synthesis. So even though the leucine content of protein is thought to be proportional to the proteins ability to stimulate MPS, it seems small whey peptides may be even better.
Another interesting finding of the WPH versus amino acid study is that despite blood levels of leucine being higher than the WPH supplement the WPH supplement had stronger activation of mTOR which suggests it is possible that peptides are more effective at activating MPS at lower levels than leucine rich amino acids or whey. In another study the researchers looked at the cortisol levels after the ingestion of WPH or the equivalent amount of amino acids similar in ratio to whey. Even though the amino acid levels were similar and the leucine levels were higher in the amino group the WPH group had a significantly greater effect on lowering cortisol post ingestion. This may in some part be due to its ability to restore glycogen and raise insulin better than whey and amino acids.
So as an athlete that is looking for an edge over the competition WPH may provide enough benefit to see improved lean muscle development and recovery versus intact whey protein or amino acids.
So what is the best protein for me?

If you want the best protein available, choose whey protein isolate or hydrolysed protein isolate. If you want a balance between good protein and price, instead choose a whey protein powder that is based on whey protein concentrate (containing at least 80-85% protein). Whey protein concentrates are not only cheaper than whey protein isolates but also contain more bioactive and health promoting substances.
Try to find a whey protein powder that has been hydrolyzed. It is true that hydrolysates are more expensive than concentrates, but they (in contrast to isolates) are worth their price. Hydrolysates will not only simultaneously increase amino acid availability and insulin to your muscles (and thereby maximally stimulate muscle protein synthesis and inhibit muscle protein breakdown), but will also make the powder easier to mix without causing lumps in your shaker. Practical and effective!
What Brand of protein powders should I use?
Protein powders are a great way to ensure your body is absorbing the necessary total protein intake for muscle development. Protein powder often comes in easy-to-use sachets for on-the-go consumption, and can also be considered a meal replacement. Available in a widespread range from diet protein to muscle mass or weight gain protein, protein powders such as Giant Sports Delicious Protein - a whey protein concentrate blend - are able to effectively nurture muscles so that they recover from intense training sooner ,so you can continue to train and grow muscle mass. The added whey protein to your diet will allow muscle mass to grow faster and leaner, resulting in a ripped physique when matched with an appropriate training schedule.
Meal replacements act as an effective way to minimise fat and carbohydrate intake when preparing for a competition or rapid weight loss. Aimed at leaning out your body fat and giving you the vital nutrients you need each day, meal replacements act the same way as protein powders and utilise whey protein concentrate to optimise your protein intake. Brands like "Internation Protein" deliver all the whey protein isolate your body requires to get lean.
The best way to achieve an isomorph-like physique is to ensure your diet consists of a well-balanced protein intake accompanied by a protein supplement such as a whey protein concentrate to nurture muscle growth and strength. For the most delicious protein, carbohydrate and fat control, protein powders and meal replacements including weight gain protein are the best way to achieve the results you want for your body. Get lean and stay ripped with the assistance of shredding products and protein powders.
Expert Protein Powder Advice
At Fitness Market, you can find cheap protein powder and the best dietary meal replacements, muscle shredders and weight gainers. With a huge range of supplements and protein powder, you can shop for the exact supplements you need to gain that edge and make your training effective. Tone your muscles and get lean with the protein powder that Australia relies on, with the biggest range of international brands such as Maxs, APS, Giant Sports, you’re guaranteed to find a successful protein powder for your training schedule.
If you have any questions or would like further advice, please feel welcome to phone us on 1300 557 773.