When purchasing small or large items, we have a variety of payment options available, including finance. So that big treadmill can be easily purchased and delivered to you quickly.
Online Payment Options
We accept the following payment methods via our Online store:
- Visa cards.
- Mastercard cards.
- Paypal. (visit www.paypal.com.au for further details).
Online Secure Payment
Our website is hosted in a secure data centre located in Sydney, Australia. The checkout and payment pages of this website are fully secure and encrypted using SSL technology. You can feel safe shopping with us!
In addition, in accordance with PCI-DSS, we run regular hacker scans to check for potential vulnerabilities with our website.
In-store Payment Options
We accept the following payment methods in our stores:
- Cash.
- Visa cards.
- Mastercard cards.
- Interest-Free finance (visit our Finance page for details).